Russian Blue
A little history
As with most cat breeds, little is known about the origins of the Russian Blue. It probably comes from Russia: its thick coat is surely that of a cat from colder climates and it is considered to be a natural breed.
However, the development of the Russian Blue as a breed took place mainly in Great Britain and Scandinavia. During the end of the XIXth century, the breeding of cats became a popular activity.
The Russian Blue has the reputation of a gentle and silent cat, a little shy. This cat may have a reserved nature, but he likes to play, jump or climb to high places where he can observe certain people or situations before deciding whether or not he wants to get involved. Guests will not receive his immediate attention and may never see him unless he decides they are worthy of his attention. But to family members, especially his privileged person, he is always loyal and will follow them through the house. The Russian Blue is a sensitive cat that does not like to be ignored and hurt if it does not receive the same affection it gives. Lack of attention can cause them to become anxious or fearful.
He is able to entertain himself during the day while you work. Unlike some other active and intelligent races, the Russian Blue is not destructive but moves around the house with the grace of a russian ballerina. When you are at home, his subtle sense of humor and dexterity will never fail to entertain you. Make sure you have fun with him. It is a cat that appreciates being in a calm and stable environment. He does not like change, and it is especially important for him that meals arrive on time. If you take the time to develop a relationship with a Russian Blue, your reward will be a deep bond with this loving cat.
The elegant and muscular body of the Russian Blue led a judge to proclaim him the "Doberman Pinscher of cats". It has what is called a semi-foreign body type, which means that it is of moderate shape, falling somewhere between short and compact races such as the Persians and the smooth angles of oriental races such as the Siamese. The large ears are wide at the base with pointed tips and it has bright green eyes. A finely bony body that is firm and muscular, covered with a short, thick double coat with a plush texture. The body is supported by long, slender legs on a small, slightly rounded paw with lavender, pink or purple pads. The tail is long but proportional to its body. The Russian Blue is distinguished by the color of its coat. To the uninformed, it might look gray, but in cat terms, it is blue with silver-tipped hairs that make it appear to shine. Some Russian kittens are born with "ghost stripes", a reminder of the tabby gene that all cats wear, even if it is not expressed in their coat, but these marks generally fade very quickly, leaving the cat with the solid adult blue coat. You might think that a Russian Blue always stays blue, but other cat associations have more liberal breed standards. In Australia and New Zealand, cats are called "Russians" and are white or black. FIFe does not allow them.
Children and other pets
The Russian Blues have a tolerant nature towards children who treat them with kindness and respect. They will even support the awkward strokes offered by toddlers. That said, the patient and gentle Russian Blue should always be protected from brutal treatment, so always supervise very young children who could mistake the cat for a toy.
The Russian Blue also accepts other animals, including dogs, but only if it doesn't feel threatened by them. Introduce pets slowly and under controlled circumstances to ensure that they will get along well.
The Nebelung
This breed of cat was born in the early 1980s following the cross between a male Angora-type cat and a short-haired female. From this litter were born 3 kittens. One of the females gave birth to kittens whoseDad of this litter was a Russian Blue cat and one of these kittens was named Siegfried. He had a magnificent long hair and his sister was beautiful and sweet. His mistress Cobb therefore wanted to preserve their beauty by deciding to mate the brother and sister.
They subsequently gave birth to a litter of 3 long-haired, blue-colored kittens. The Nebelung was thus "created".
Nebelung comes from a German word which means: creatures of the mist.
The Nebelung Standard was established from Russian Blue, almost word for word. The difference is in the length of the coat. This one was recorded in 1987.
The physical characteristics of the nebelung are the same as those of the Russian blue (it is a variety of the race as well as the White and the Black). The body is slender and elegant, the tail is long, the ears almost as wide at the base as they are high, alert, slightly rounded tips, rather large size, spaced apart, quite vertical, sparse fur inside, exterior covered with short and fine hair. A plume behind the ears, wing angel, is appreciated. Eye color should be green, as dark as possible.Sa dress of a uniform and luminous blue, with a preference for light tones. The tips of the guard hairs have a silver coloration that gives the coat a shiny appearance, as if sprinkled with silver. The nose is charcoal gray and the pads dark lilac1.The height is medium and the body muscular. The nebelung is close to the russian blue English type.
For the maintenance of a nebelung, nothing special is to be expected. Grooming specific to long-haired breeds is not appropriate for the Nebelung. His silky coat does not make knots. It is advisable to make the claws and the ears every month, like all quality cats. This is important for ear hygiene. A fine curry brush is commonly used to remove dead hair. This is important during moulting to avoid hair ingestion. A metal comb is also possible.
The nebelung is described as a cat lively, mischievous, affectionate, intelligent and good company. He lives very well indoors and is also very dexterous. Like his brother the Russian blue, he prefers a quiet house. The nebelung is also described as a distant cat with strangers but actively participating in family life. However, these character traits remain perfectly individual and are above all a function of the history of each cat.
Crosses between Russian Blues and Nebelungs are allowed or even encouraged. It is good for the nebelung gene pool and does not harm the russian blue.